Introduction to Radical Teacher #126, "Teaching (About) Socialism"

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Copyright (c) 2023 Paul Lauter
Introduction to Radical Teacher #126, "Teaching (About) Socialism"
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Paul Lauter
Paul Lauter retired as Allan K. and Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Literature after 26 years at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He has served as President of the American Studies Association (of the United States) and he remains General Editor of the groundbreaking Heath Anthology of American Literature. Lauter’s most recent books include From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park, an edited volume with Ann Fitzgerald titled Literature, Class, and Culture, and a Blackwell Companion to American Literature and Culture. New projects have included an edited collection of essays on American working-class literature with Nick Coles (Cambridge, 2017) and an account of the impact of 60s activism on education, politics, and culture, Our Sixties: An Activist’s History (Rochester, 2020). He remains active with Radical Teacher and in the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee. He and Doris Friedensohn provided one of the essays in the collection Gray Love.