On the Pedagogy of “Boomerangs”: Exposing Occupation Through Co-Implication

How to Cite

Klinker, M. J., & Morrison, H. (2020). On the Pedagogy of “Boomerangs”: Exposing Occupation Through Co-Implication . Radical Teacher, 117. https://doi.org/10.5195/rt.2020.771


This article explores the pedagogical takeaways of a faculty led study-tour with U.S. university students in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.  It offers examples of how to teach students first-hand about settler colonialism, neoliberalism, securitization, and racialization.  We examine how theories of co-implication and bearing witness can encourage students to take part in transnational solidarity work.  



We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, as well as Penelope Mitchell, Mahruq Khan, and Colette Hyman for their comments on earlier versions of this essay.? We are particularly grateful to the students who shared this learning experience with us, as well as the organizers, tour guides, and university administrators who made this trip possible.? Thank you, especially, to Lama Yahya and Joshua Stacher. A special thanks to all the Palestinians who shared their experiences, research, and critical labor for justice with us. The realization of this essay was a direct result of our individual participation in a Palestine Studies Faculty Development Seminar. Materials from the following sites are available and can be adapted in every classroom to discuss Palestine: Palestine is Here, Yasser Arafat Museum, Deadly Exchange and iNakba.?
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