Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold lives in Norfolk, Nebraska. They are self-described as an anxious alcoholic gender fluid queer poet and artist with C-PTSD, sensory sensitivity and borderline lupus who likes critters, plants, and soil. They are a twin and a mama. Former Nebraska poet Laureate William Kloefkorn was one of their mentors. They have two degrees in soil science. Julie has tried their hand at pizza maker, telephone operator, soil science technician, homeless shelter overnighter, ruminant nutrition researcher, water quality advocate, statewide art coordinator, town development assistant, composting supporter, 911 operator, and agronomist. They grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. Julie has been published in AKA’s Advocate, Fine Lines, Plainsongs, The Awakenings Review, the Nebraska Writer’s Guild, and two publications on medium.com. Julie sells their sketches at the Ravenwood Art Gallery. For more, read https://medium.com/@jpaschold or https://jpaschold.blogspot.com/.