Evelina Fue Tu Nombre / Evelina Was Your Name

How to Cite

Maldonado Torres, S. E. (2020). Evelina Fue Tu Nombre / Evelina Was Your Name . Radical Teacher, 116, 76–83. https://doi.org/10.5195/rt.2020.686


On Thursday, April 18 my students and I coordinated an activity in which we celebrated the National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month.  In this activity, one of our adjuncts professors presented information about the struggle that a Puerto Rican woman, Evelina López Antonetty had in providing access to bilingual education to a monolingual-Spanish community in the South Bronx . The South Bronx is still considered one of the most impoverished boroughs in NYC and it is also where the college I am working at (Eugenio Maria de Hostos CC) is located. As part of the activity, I wrote a poem about Evelina López Antonetty and the poem was translated by my students into three (3) different languages. 
